何靖柳1,张 恒1,袁 野1,韦 婷1,梁大伟1,甘玉祥2,何 丹1*
(1.雅安职业技术学院,四川雅安 625000;
2.雅安市友谊茶叶有限公司,四川雅安 625000)
中图分类号:TS272.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2020)05-0091-0006
The Status and Development Trend of Ya’an Tibet Tea Industry
HE Jing-liu1, ZHANG Heng1, YUAN Ye1, WEI Ting1, LIANG Da-wei1, GAN Yu-xiang2, HE Dan1*
(1.Ya’an Polytechnic College, Ya’an Sichuan 625000, China;
2.Ya’an Friendship Tea Co., Ltd., Ya’an Sichuan 625000, China)
Abstract:Ya’an Tibet tea is famous for its superior quality and important biological activity. The key qualities of Tibetan tea and their changing rules in processing were summarized in this paper. The quality of Tibet tea should be analyzed systematically. At the same time, the production process of Tibet tea should be optimized. The standard system of characteristic quality in Tibet tea was established to meet the needs of the business. The most suitable production process of Tibet tea was clarified. The above research could provide theoretical basis for the identification and quality control of the tea, and promote the upgrading of Ya’an Tibet tea industry, and further promote the development of local economy.
Keywords:Ya’an Tibet teal; industry status; quality; production process